I am rich in grace and the faith that puts grace to work. That makes me a blessing wherever I am. I possess all things in rich measure for my enjoyment and I am equally rich is good works.
I am rich in health and wellbeing. My body is alive to my rich soul, making me long-lived and strong. What a joy to know that God is always willing and working in me to satisfy my large appetite for long life and days of heaven on earth.
My faith affords me a victorious attitude; an attitude that always overcomes situations and conditions the world and my flesh consider insurmountable.
I have amazing favour from God and man that makes my relationships rich and rewarding. I am doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.
I am indeed rich. And I am on a mission to enrich my family and friends, my community and country. It is no wonder, I am reaching out to enrich my culture.