I am thankful for my spiritual elders and leaders. I am willing and obedient to the biblical instruction to bless their lives and ministry with all good things.
I am thankful to God for the faith of my spiritual elders and leaders, and for the victories in their lives. Their faith is a pattern for mine, and I am a diligent follower of their faith as my spiritual overseers.
I am blessed with prayer cover from my spiritual overseers and the anointing exchange between us. The anointing upon my spiritual overseers is at work in my life, multiplying my abilities and effectiveness in life and ministry.
The promises of God are at work in my life. I am a partaker of the power and prosperity that flows from following the faith and patience of my spiritual overseers.
I am getting stronger by the day in my influence for the kingdom of God. More people are getting attracted and joining the family of God as I follow the faith of Jesus and His undershepherds in my life.
Reference Verses: Romans 1:11-12; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Hebrews 6:9-12; 13:7, 16-17; Galatians 6:6; Philippians 1:6-7; Matthew 4:19; and Acts 20:28.