Week 52: Complete and Perfect

I stand firm, mature and confident in everything God wants me to do. I am not moved by opposition and resistance to God’s will for my life. I understand too well that when I am under pressure, my faith comes to the fore and shows its true colours. I endure difficulty with great patience. I

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Week 48: God at Work

God is at work in me to will and to do His good pleasure. Yes, He is working with me to invite, inspire and instruct my generation to go higher in freedom and excellence. God is my light. He has arisen upon me and I am radiant with His glory. I am clothed and covered

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Week 45: Calm and Cool

I hope and quietly wait for the salvation of God. I am not anxious about things that look like they are going wrong; and I do not panic in the face of trouble. When faced with potentially distressing news or times, I take to prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to God for a way out.

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Week 44: Faith Followers

I am thankful for my spiritual elders and leaders. I am willing and obedient to the biblical instruction to bless their lives and ministry with all good things. I am thankful to God for the faith of my spiritual elders and leaders, and for the victories in their lives. Their faith is a pattern for

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Week 43: My Prayer Posture

(Adapted from Psalm 20:1-5, AMPC) The LORD answers my call of faith in times of trouble. The name of the God of Jacob keeps me safe from all harm. He sends me help from His sanctuary and strengthens me from my place of prayer. God remembers all the seeds I have sown, and looks favorably

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